Imagine a world where littering is criminalized and faced with heavy jail time. Makes you think about how common and generally normalized littering is, no?

The broken windows theory by social scientists James Q Wilson and George Kelling, brings forth the idea that unchecked disorder spreads. Conversely, a clean environment tends to encourage responsible behavior. People often justify their littering by giving excuses, “It’s just one wrapper”, “It’s just one bottle”, but when millions of people use the same excuse the one wrapper and one bottle turns into a leading cause of pollution.

In all seriousness it is an inefficient idea to criminalize littering and especially with severe consequences. This will only cause law enforcement systems to be flustered and public backlash. Instead what would be more effective is subtle changes in the environment and intercommuting without direct enforcement. For example; gamification strategies, there could be a reward system for correct disposal of trash and clear displays near garbage bins encouraging proper disposal. These types of strategies lineup with intrinsic motivation.

Laws can be a supporting element but societal changes and fostering a culture where littering is seen totally out of line is what will help reduce the chaos revolving around garbage.
Pick up litter, pick up hope 🙂

